About Us

About Dennis Bowersox-Founder

Dennis Bowersox holds a bachelor’s degree in sociology, psychology, and education from Western Michigan University and a master’s degree in counseling from Central Michigan University. He has taught psychology, business, and leadership and acted in the capacity of a change agent while consulting many companies on organizational systems development. He is a published author, having completed his first book in 2007, Financial Intervention, Creating Money for Life. Denny published his second book in 2012, Our Government is Killing Us! An Invitation to Help Fix Our Government and Cure Our Economy.

He has purchased and started six profitable businesses. Denny is a lifelong learner of history, government, small business, and economics. He is inspired to have American voters join his movement in changing the way voters are represented in Congress.

His journey with voters will take back the power of influence over political parties, big money, and big tech companies. He wants to share his journey and organizational system to get our government on the right path, which will create a bright future for all Americans.


A man with glasses and a shirt on in front of a bookshelf.

Our Mission

To empower all American voters to take part in helping fix America’s problems and steer our country in the right direction.

To help parents with fresh ideas to make parenting easier and more successful.

Our Vision

To enable every American to acknowledge their American Dream!

Currently, the future of America is being designed by political parties, big money, and big tech companies. The voters have little input. Most Americans don’t like what is going on in Congress and our country.

To get back to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, the voters must join our Vote with Power journey to build the country the voters want.

To improve the ratio of children growing up mentally healthy, capable of having a satisfying job and become financially stable.

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