A man and woman are silhouetted against the american flag.

The election is over. what must voters do now to save democracy

This blog will tells why problems are not being solve in America and the direction of our country is not what 83 % of American want.

The election is almost over what must voters do now.

My name is Denny Bowersox, I am the author of the book Vote With Power and the founder of the organization which unites voters for the purpose of sharing ideas, strategies, and solutions to help save democracy and freedom, to solve Americas problems and take the country in the direction voters want.

America, the greatest country in the World – It can deliver the highest quality of life for every American now and in the future. But only if an untied group of voters work for it! America is worth saving, do you feel that way?

Our election is almost over.

Some politicians won, some lost. One thing for sure, the American people lost.

Due to the election, there will be no change in the politics in America. Everyone was watching which party in each house will be in majority. My question is which party will start representing the wished of the voters?

Most incumbents won even though their performance review is a dismal 15% approval rate according to a pew research poll. They got reelected even though the incumbents caused or are hiding from solving our major problems. We still voted them back t office.

Without change, our problems will continue the negative affect the lives of our citizens. Eighty-three % of the people don’t like the direction America is being taken. Yet we voted to keep them in office.

Why do incumbents usually win? Partly because they have name recognition and start with a huge fund to use for campaigning. Secondly, they have been in office spending much of the time campaigning. Third, because we have been polarized and brain washed into voting along party lines. This must stop.

Most Americas have the same core values as each other. Polarization and the media keep voters from communicating in a meaningful way with each other.

Most Americans want our problems solved. Most American want a safer and better future for their family. Most Americans want to have a good relationship with each other. In our past America had these values. We have allowed politics to destroy all of the above.

Once the voting is over, the winners go to Washington and you, the voter, loses your power of influence, your wishes, opinions and desire for Americas future. The representative no longer pay attention to your wellbeing. They are now representing their party, big money donors, and large organization lobbyist.

We must always remember our representative got elected to work for the American people. Your tax dollars pay the representatives not their party or big money. Big money pays for advertising to get them elected but you pay their salary, so they are supposed to work for you! Are they?

Think about this. Would your employer keep you and continue to pay you $174,000 a year, if you lied to them, failed to do your job and fought with other employees? What if you were taking the company in a harmful direction? Would they still retain you?

It is time we started putting the bad representatives, our employees, out to pasture.

From now on before we vote, we need voting records and performance review on the incumbents. Did they spend our money wisely. What performance rating each received. We need to know if our representatives got the result, they claimed they would during their campaign.

The representatives who truly work with and for the people will automatically have job security. If they do their job and represent their constituents, they will not have to fund raise millions of dollars for their next campaign. We need to vote for people who have done their job or new people with high potential. Instead of campaigning year around, they could stay focused on their work for the will of the people.

Currently they spend much of their time politicking for money. We need to wake up and vote for the candidates who represent our values not those who raise the most money or because they represent a party.

If you were and employer and you had a great employee, would you get rid of them. I think not!

The Vote With Power Communication system will be highly beneficial to our good representatives. It will help voters know who has been a good representative.

If you were an entrepreneur and had a high-level leadership position to fill. A job that paid $174,00 a year. Would the only criteria your hire on was that they were a Republican or Democrat? Qualification and those who will work for your core values, safety and a better life is who you would hire.

What are the qualification of the incumbents we reelected. They failed to solve our problems. They are taking our country in the wrong direction. We paid them for only voting along party lines. Hopefully our representatives in the future will work to represent the voters to improve their lives, that is who we must hold accountable to do.

The Vote With Power communication system will give our representatives the voter input, answers to how to represent us, and a means to provide information to their constituents. They will be reelected to office, as the will have performed with the best interest of the people.

If we fail to change the political landscape we can expect the continuation of polarization, lies, name calling, blaming, representatives doing nothing to improve the lives of Americans, and elected officials taking America in a direction the people don’t want.

You voted, but you can’t stop now. Voting is the start of your responsibility. You must help make your vote count. We have to stop voting for parties and start voting for individuals who will do their job.

If you are a true Americans you need to stay interested, informed and involved in guiding our representatives to help improve our nation.

During the campaign, both sides of the isle threatened citizens with potential loss of democracy. They tried to sell us that if you didn’t vote for their party candidate, we would lose our democracy.

We have already lost our representative democracy. We have a boarder crises. Violent crime on the rise, inflation crippling our finances, high gas prices, school curriculums which parents don’t want, drug trafficking killing our youth. If we had a democracy and the 70% or more who don’t want these situation our representatives would have solve these problems.

Your life will get worse if we don’t stop the political insanity. We can break through the wall which is hiding the political destruction. Once and for all.

To do so we must unify voters and use the Vote With Power Communication system as the tool to get the American people on track to enjoy true freedom.

Voters need to stand up, take the right action to make sure the people we elected to office truly represent us the people.

We need to force them to be transparent, accountable and do the work for the people. With the Vote With Power communication system the voters will cooperate and help their representatives do their job well.

It is your country and future; will you help lead the way and invest a little time in your America?

When will you say enough is enough and be part of the solution to diminish the power of money and politics. To work with congress to make all citizens lives better and safer. To help quickly redirect the direction America is heading. To use a tool to take the liars, name callers, blamers, those in office for political gain only, and those with low performance records and put them out to pasture.

If you want to live in the great American, you must keep current on the issues and have a say in what is happening in Washington? Next you must stay involved by using common sense, common ground and collaboration to keep our representatives informed as to what we the people want for our lives living in America.

Politics in America is crating hate, mistrust and a division of people. If the voters stay silent this situation will quickly erode into an oligarchy or authoritarian government. We are already partly there – if you don’t believe it think about America’s unsolved problems and the direction, we are heading in relationship to what your members of congress have accomplished for you.

When is the last time your representatives informed you of what was going on in Washington, what was in pending legislation or seeking your input so they could represent you in a meaningful way? The answer is most likely never. They got your vote and now you are cast out to sea until they need your vote again.

In our past, Life in American for most people represented; safety, harmony, peace, opportunity, happiness, prosperity, liberty and justice for all. Your wish for a better life for your future generations was almost insured. That has all changed.

Your families future will not have any of these core values if we continue to let politics destroy our beliefs, values and morals. Our human need for gathering in a peaceful and safe atmosphere which is important to our lives. We enjoyed this in the past. Politics and polarization are cancelling our safe and happy gatherings.

If this concerns you, and you are getting frustrated or angry, tied of the problems being unsolved, fed up with the political games, you can make a difference. There is a new revelation.

Here is your opportunity to find out about a unique organization which has the system for changing politics in America. Vote With Power has designed a communication system to get our representative to respect our wishes and do the work of representing us.

It is our representatives jobs to make our lives safer and better. We need to stop the political games from decimating the quality of lives of Americans.

Join now to stop the insanity and corrupt theft of America live style. You must decide if you are an American first or a Democrat or Republican first?

Decide now before the future of America and your family is distorted beyond repair.

Please go to votewithpower.com where you can find out more and join other Americans who care. This is the only way to hold our representatives accountable. Until we do, they won’t change.

You can be heard, informed, answered, respected and represented but only by unifying with other voters to regain the needed influence to have a government for, by and of the people.

Two hundred plus years ago Americans risk their lives to fight the battle for their independence. We don’t have to risk our lives, but we sure need to fight to protect our freedom.

A high quality of life can be had by all, democrats, republicans, independents, liberal, and conservatives. We all have many common core values. To have a better future, we need to work together.

We can’t let politics define our relationships, our freedom or quality of life.

Make sure you help by telling others there is a way keep politics from killing our quality of life.

Our vote with power communication loop is a means to give influence on your ideas, strategies and solutions. We will share ideas with other citizens and with the representatives from your state. This is the only way to redirect our country. Please go to votewithpower.com and join this movement.

I am asking you to invest $10 a month to help get our country on the right direction, solve our problems and greatly improve your quality of life.

Please go to votewithpower.com and join us now!

Thank you for spending your precious time with me.

Remember without voter input and action we will lose our Democracy. Without democracy we will lose our freedom and live in a society of depressed people as we are living in a politically toxic atmosphere.

It is no longer enough to be a good citizen, now we must be an active voter.

Without individual freedom we will end up in a dictatorship or oligarchy.

Voting in America is a privileged. Making you vote count is every voters responsibility.

Please share this blog and podcast with your friends, family and anyone you know who wants to change the direction America is being taken by inviting them to read our blogs, listen to our podcast which are on our website.

I hope you visit votewithpower.com – make it a great day for saving freedom. hare more information with you on the next podcast.

Denny Bowersox, from Vote With Power, saying goodbye for now.