A barbed wire fence with two intersecting circles.

Open Boarder Crises is Destroying America!

Here is a solution to our immigration crises.

Open Boarder Policy is Killing Americans.

Common Ground, Common Sense approach to our immigration problems and needed policies.

Our open border policy is harming America and killing American citizens.

1. American citizens can’t afford the huge influx of people. Unless we want
more debt, higher taxes, and more inflation
driven spending.

2. Drugs coming in are killing our young people.

3. Human trafficking is immoral in America.

4. Placing undocumented children in our schools with little education and
language issues. This will dumb down your children’s education.

5. Destruction and abuse of personal property.

6. Increasing crime and gang members.

7. Thousands of people per month coming across our boarder which is way
beyond control and needed processing.

These terrible situations bring up the question, why doesn’t congress and the white house staff do anything to solve these problems? Do they want it to go on for some hidden reason? Do they not care? Do they not know how to fix it? Are they so focused on reelection and frozen to do anything for fear of losing their seat?

Independent voters need to unite, have a communication system through which to train our politicians to implement programs that protect and advance the core values of our citizens.

If we want to live in a democracy, it is up to the voters to stand up, share common ground solutions and take action.

There is a simple, not easy to implement, but a logical common-sense solution.


1. Close the border temporarily.

2. Decide what resources we have without hindering our citizens financial
wellbeing to support immigrants who need housing, jobs, education, food,
clothing, transportation, utilities, health care.

3. Decide from what nationalities and countries we want to bring in future

4. Decide how we will vet and process immigrants who wish to become part
of America.
A. Potential for becoming a model citizen
B. Amount of English language they can speak and understand.
C. Their interest in becoming a citizen.
D. Their education level and past job history.
E. Their potential for procuring a financially supportive job.
F. Their criminal records.
G. Their health records.
H. Their family connections already in America.

5, Accept applications from those seeking to come to America. They are not to
show up at our borders until they are veted and invited to seek entrance
and eventually citizenship.

5. Categorize the immigrants on three levels – all three must pass the above
qualification. The levels based on the amount of support, mentoring and
financial assistance they need to integrate into our society in a reasonable

6. Invite those based on quotas and those we can help to make sure entrance
is safe and progressive coming into our country. They must feel comfortable
staying in our country. They cannot become a safety or financial burden to
the US citizens.

7. Interview and due diligence before offering them the opportunity to live in
our country.

8. Set up a succession plan to help welcome, support, guide, and mentor the
new arrivals for up to three years.

9. Have check points to review their progress every six months to see what
they need and how they are assimilating into American Culture.

Voters should discuss these ideas and produce common grounds, common sense plans. Next communicate with members of congress and push to use these plans or modified plans to get it approved and implimented.

For those members of congress who don’t reply or don’t help solve the border crises and immigration problems, they need to be removed from office at the next election.

Our representatives in Congress and the White house must stop playing politics with our lives and lifestyles are at stake!

If you care about the border crises and want to help, please visit votewithpower.com to join the platform.

This is the only way to be heard and get America on the right path.

#independentvoters #America #parents