This blog will provide examples of this weeks news on loss of Freedom.
This week we got a good look at what freedom means.
The World Cup soccer game with USA against Iran pointed out many behaviors assaulting freedom in Iran.
The Iranian soccer team in there first game didn’t sing during their national anthem being played. The lack of singing was on purpose and in protest of a young Iranian female who was murdered by their terrorist regime.
The next game the Iranian players did sing due to having them and their families being threatened with harm and imprisonment. In America we still have freedom of choice.
A month earlier was when the young woman living in Iran was killed because she didn’t have her head scarf on correctly and some of her hair showed.
Freedom to wear what and how you want in America. Freedom to live when you make mistakes is still open in America.
While the Iranian citizens protested in the streets they were being beaten and taken to jail. In America we can peacefully protest. We have freedom of speech.
This week in China protesters were being beaten and incarcerated for speaking out. They were protested the lock downs from Covid. They were locked in by the Chinese communist dictatorship. Some died in a fire because they couldn’t get out.
The protest also include chanting to remove the dictator Xi. We have freedom of speech and to move about without our government control us in America.
There are two types of assaults on freedom. They are, direct and indirect.
The direct assaults are found in the examples above from Iran and China.
Direct assault on freedom differ from indirect in that they have immediately harmful effects on lives.
Apple with the request from China Regime took away the air drop files from the iPhone owners in China so they could no longer communicate directly by iPhone with each other. This was to stop communication as to protesting sites in China.
This is an example of an indirect assault. Especially bad when governments get help from American companies to control their citizens.
We have an example of indirect assault in America as our government is collaborating with big tech for information on our citizens.
Most assaults in America are still of the indirect type. However, if voters don’t stand up soon, the assaults will become direct. We must stop the assaults before the takeaway our freedom.
Indirect assaults are when our government stops drilling for oil and stops production of pipelines causing our gas prices to go through the roof. This takes away freedom on travel and makes tough family decisions as to what must be cut out.
The rise in violent crime is an example of indirect assault on freedom. Citizens are changing plans as were to go, were to shop and how to stay safe. This takes away you freedom in America.
American voters need to wake up. China, Venezuela and Iran transitioned into destruction of freedom under dictator rule.
We cannot afford to let our government destroy our lives with indirect an eventually direct loss of freedom.
Please get informed and involved. Join Vote With Power to save our democracy, freedom and quality of life.
#freedom #votewithpower #democracy #qualityoflife