A man sitting on top of a bench near trees.

America Problems are Your Problems

f you don’t like the direction our country is going – Here is what you can do.

America’s problems are your problems!

A recent poll indicated that over 70% of Americans don’t like the path our country is on. You know there is a problem!

It is easy to be aware of the symptoms. If you are concerned about your future in America, you know there is a problem.

When you see America’s major problems such as soft on crime, boarder crises, drug deaths, Critical Race Their and other unwanted ideas taught to your children, inflation, gas prices, people being aggressive, dysfunctional government, taxed going to be raised, and the growing national debt, you know there is a problem!

When you are frustrated and fed up with the politics and political games, but don’t know what you can do about it, you know there is a problem.

When you see examples of Americans losing their democracy and freedoms, you know there is a problem!

When you are concerned about your children and grandchildren freedom, education, opportunities, safety and financial wellbeing, you know there is a problem!

When you hear most American feel stuck not knowing what they can do about the problems, you know there is a problem!

These situations area not being solved due to American voters having lost their representation. Our country is being taken over and going in the direction the political parties and big money donors are taking us.

Do you agree that your elected members of congress and the Whitehouse administration no longer listen to the people, answer the people, inform the people, respect the people or represent the people. Most Americas know this tend cannot stay in this direction.

Unless we want to live in a country with different values, culture, and freedoms than we have enjoyed in the past.

The solution to all the above problems can be had through making changes in our political process.

The oath of office our representatives took is to represent the people. This is the only way Democracy can work. When representatives do the opposite of what the people want that is oligarchy.

You can tell politics is guiding our future when the communication from most politicians is laced with, misinformation, lies, blaming, name calling, and doing nothing.

Hi! my name is Denny Bowersox I am the author of the book†vote With Power and the founder of the organization vote with power. The book was written, and the organization was formed to solve our political process dysfunction. To improve our democracy and freedom.

Here is the solution you can have access to. Find out what Vote With Power is doing.

Vote With Power is an information and education center for parents, grandparents and all voters who fear for America’s future. Especially those who are willing to help direct our country back to the democracy and freedoms we enjoyed in the past.

Votewithpower.com provides FREE newsletters, blogs and links to our podcast full of information on how you can help redirect our country. The podcasts give tools and tips to share with children to understand what is happening in our country and what they will need to do to save the lifestyle you enjoyed.

If you care enough, you can also join to be part of our inner circle to engage through our vote with power communication loop to influence our representatives to truly represent us.

We need to be better at screening candidates, keeping our wishes and concerns in front of our elected officials, and removing bad representatives from office.

Vote With power is a watchdog communication system offering members performance reviews, voting records, and matching what candidates claimed they would do as candidates, compare to what they accomplished.

Vote With Power membership, for only $10 a month, is an inner circle of Parents, Grandparents and all voters who have access to our vote with power communication loop to communicate, cooperate and collaborate with their members of congress to have a voice in steering Americas future through democracy.

Members of the Vote With Power Community receive.

1. Weekly updates on issues in the current legislation going through congress.

2. A monthly poll of what voters, from individual States, are concerned about,
want answers to, and have ideas members want their representatives to

3. Responses and answer from the legislators in their state from the members
questions and concerns.

4. Ideas on how the political process is affecting their lives.

5. Semiannual performance and voting record report cards on representatives.
Find out who you want to vote to keep in office and who to vote out.

6. Semiannual reviews of what their representatives ran on and what they are
actually accomplishing.

7. Emotional rewards through feelings for being part of our community of
inside voters who will help improve the political process and shape
Americas future.

Vote With Power memberships work to help our countries successful representatives maintain job security. Our representatives will save time as they do their job and not spend all their time campaigning.

VWP memberships also serve to water down the politics, political games, and influence of the money big donors. Votes will be more influential than money patties and big money spends on advertising.

Remember: voting is a privilege, making your vote count is a responsibility.

Without voter input we have no Democracy!

Without Democracy we have no freedom!

Without Freedom we have no high quality of life!

Please read the other blogs, get on the email list, listen to the podcast and when it moves you get involved.

Let’s all Vote With Power!